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Two new Roofing Alliance-funded reports now are available

Two new Roofing Alliance-funded reports now are available—Moisture in New Concrete Roof Decks and A Study of the U.S. Roofing Industry and Its Workforce. Roofing Alliance voting representatives will receive one complimentary, electronic copy for their companies. If you do not receive your complimentary copy, let Bennett Judson know.

Moisture in New Concrete Roof Decks—Between 2016 and 2019, engineering researchers conducted multiple experiments, measurements and computer simulations on new concrete roof test decks and roof systems installed over the test decks. The results of this research show with current roofing materials, the use of a vapor retarder or other concrete moisture mitigation technique, such as venting, is needed when placing a roof system over a new concrete roof deck. Further, this research has shown the typical methods for concrete moisture testing on floor slabs are not suitable for new roof construction.

A Study of the U.S. Roofing Industry and Its Workforce—The labor shortage in the roofing industry is more severe than previously recognized. The study showed 90% of U.S. roofing contractors faced labor shortages during the past year, with the West being the most affected by a lack of skilled workers. The roofing industry has adopted many mechanisms to overcome the challenges of skilled labor shortages, such as wage adjustments, enhanced benefits, policy reforms, training, etc. The findings suggest workforce challenges require strategic organizational tactics tailored to specific roofing markets.